
Monday, February 21, 2011

Monday Recap

Sometimes it seems as if I must be being video has so many bumps and turns, its like I'm trying to keep up with a marathon runner, just not gonna happen. Just a few of the things from the last time I updated...Eric has been crazy sick. I mean like took off work (that NEVER happens). I think he has slept more in the last week than I have in the last year. I finally MADE him go to the Dr's because he was about to travel out of state, CA again, and I wanted to make sure it wasn't anything serious. So off he flew this morning, feeling a little better, but still just drained. So who else is tired of this stinkin weather here in MI. Just gonna put it out there and say I HATE snow. Never really been a fan. So all that to say Ive been riding solo for like 6 days and since Eric went out of town this morning its gonna be another 4 days. I've gotten most things down to quite the science, and because they are getting more independent I rarely feel as overwhelmed as I used to. There are a few moments when I freeze in panic not knowing how to handle the situation, but that's life, right! For nap time, the babes and I were in my bed reading a book before they took a nap, and Brooklyn pukes. Now, some of you may know I have quite the sensitive gag reflex. And give me a nasty poopy diaper all day (try 8 in 1 day...yeah that's happened) and I'm like cruising along. BUT puke is another story. So here I am with puke ALL over my pants, G Money's pants, Brooklyn's shirt and hands, my living room blanket (comforter in the wash) and my clean sheets...just put on this morning, and I'm like stuck, frozen with what should I tackle first? But the look on Brooklyn's face of 'Im sorry mama', or 'this is yucky mama', shoots me into action. I definitely find myself wondering what Eric would do in such a that's funny!
So after that whole ordeal B goes to sleep and G and I head downstairs, because he's apparently NOT tired. SO no sleep for me either. I decide to move my entire basement around, look for a new post on the blog in the next week or so.
Brooklyn has fallen in love with a new show called Bubble Guppies (and it actually teaches her A LOT). She sings and dances to the songs in each episode, its adorbs. I can't tell you all how much I LOVE how well she can communicate with me now. I think we've entered the 'kids say the darnedest things' phase.
Grant is standing. I'm not kidding when I say he's probably going to walk really early. He's already using a toy shopping cart all by himself. Its going too fast, make it stop! He's 8 months and some change. He's eating more solids (cut up obviously). So nice to sit both babes in chairs and have them feed themselves, glorious in fact. I'm not saying Eric and I get to eat dinner at the same time or that one of us usually eats dinner colder than we'd like, but hey its the little things.
Look for more blog posts this week, I've got a lot planned. Sorry for the novel, I had a lot on my mind tonight. As much as this was yet another difficult week there were SO many great moments that I am constantly aware of how blessed I am and feel.
Have a great week.

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